Reviving Multilateralism
Today's World is an an ideology of nationalism instead of multilaterism. World rejects an ideology of globalism, global governance, control and domination.
With regard to multilaterism, Multilateralism and sovereignty are not a contradiction in terms. Multilateralism" is to promote global cooperation at a time of rising nationalism and isolationism. Which direction to choose? Cooperation or confrontation? Openness or closing one’s door? multilateralism and unilateralism, openness and isolation?? We rejects unilateralism, hegemony and power politics in favour of multilateralism, the authority of the United Nations and the norms of international relations.
What I see today is that international rules and multilateral mechanisms are under attack, and the international landscape is filled with uncertainties and destabilizing factors. Global challenges from regional conflicts and terrorism to widening income gaps and climate change have nudged humanity to a crossroads of conflicting solutions: globalization or anti-globalization, multilateralism or unilateralism, integration or isolation.
That the contemporary international order, which began with the founding of the United Nations, is based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and enhanced by the vision and practice of multilateralism. countries needs to work together and take the lead in building multilateral governance to meet geopolitical challenges. Multilateralism" is to promote global cooperation at a time of rising nationalism and isolationism.
We are more interconnected and interdependent than ever before. India has upheld the international order and pursued multilateralism. India's defense of multilateralism resonates with world. India has become an important pillar in the UN cause and multilaterism.
On the global challenges faced by nation-states, These challenges can only be faced together, not when we are divided. It requires effectiveness of collaboration, not coercion. In short, effective multilateralism remains the only answer. And that requires all of us to be truly independent and think for ourselves. We need to take steps to reverse the trends of anti-globalistaion. Therefore more, and not less, collaborative and effective multilateralism is needed for managing the opportunities and challenges that we face collectively.
India has significantly contributed to the maintenance of international peace and security, safeguarding the interests and rights of developing countries and working for a new reasonable and fair kind of international relations. India pursues an ever more engaging foreign policy, striving for a stable international environment to enable its development as well as recognizing its global responsibilities as it moves towards center stage.
In order to achieve its multilaterism interests/objectives and to promote international peace, India has maintained good and friendly relations with almost all countries of the world. While securing the interests, the conduct of the Indian foreign policy was governed by the principles such as preservation of sovereign independence, pursuance of independent foreign policy by avoiding alignment with power blocs, deep mutual understanding and cooperation, international security, non-discriminatory global trade practices, equitable global responsibility for the protection of environment, reform of institutions of global governance to reflect the contemporary realities, disarmament, regional stability, international peace and promoting international peace and prosperity etc.
We remain committed to multilateralism, cooperation of sovereign States to maintain international peace and security, advance sustainable development and ensure the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all and build a brighter shared future for the international community. We reaffirm our commitment to helping overcome the significant challenges currently facing multilateralism, as well as upholding the central role of the UN in international affairs and respecting international law, including the Charter of the United Nations, its purposes and principles.